Previous Show List 2020 & 2021 - No shows due to Covid "Cinderella" - 2019 "Horror at the Hall" - 2019 "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" - 2018 "Dick Whittington" - 2017 "Mystic Myrtle" - 2017 "Sleeping Beauty" - 2016 "Farndale Avenue - - - A Christmas Carol" - 2016
"Peter Pan (The Panto!)" - 2015 "Life on the Waves" - 2015 "Jack and the Beanstalk" - 2014 "A Frightful Evening" - 2014 "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - 2013 "St Trinian's" - 2013 "Farndale Avenue - - - Haunted Dining Nook" - 2013
"Mother Goose" - 2012 "Death of a Diva" - 2012 "TV is Murder" - 2012 "Aladdin" - 2011 "Glee" - 2011 "Caistor's Last Cruise" - 2011 "Pull the Other One" - 2010 "Cinderella" - 2009 "Murder in Chalet 12a" - 2009 "Dick Whittington and Sam the Cat" - 2008 "Caistor International" - 2008 "Jack and the Beanstalk" - 2007 "Terror at St Trog's" - 2007 "Sleeping Beauty" - 2006 "The black bluebell" - 2006 "Peter Panto" - 2005 "Murder at Lambton Hall" - 2005 "The golden greats" - 2005 "Frankenstein - the panto" - 2004 "Murdered to death" - 2004 "Snow White and the 7 dwarfs" - 2003 "A century of song" - 2003 "Farndale Avenue.....They came from Mars" - 2003 "Mother Goose" - 2002 "Caramba's revenge" - 2002 "Magic of the musicals" - 2002 "Aladdin" - 2001 "Farndale Avenue.....murder mystery" - 2001 "Red Riding Hood" - 2000 "The wizard of Oz" - 2000 "Cinderella" - 1999 "Cats cradle" - 1999 "Caistor Halt" - 1999 "Dick Whitington" - 1998 "Tomb with a view" - 1998 "Jack and the beanstalk" - 1997 "Post horn gallop" - 1997 "Sleeping Beauty" - 1996 "On Monday next" - 1996 "There goes the bride" - 1996 "Mother Goose" - 1995 "I'll get my man" - 1995 "Sound of murder" - 1995 "Snow White and the 7 dwarfs" - 1994 "Habeas Corpus" - 1994 "Outside Edge" - 1994 "Aladdin"- 1993 "Love of 4 colonels" - 1993 "Cinderella" - 1992 "Confusions" - 1992